Here at SkySlope, we do our best to create workflows that will be successful for everyone in the office, whether you're an Agent, Transaction Coordinator, Auditor, or Broker. When there is a Transaction Coordinator (TC) in the office, there are different ways to handle who has access to which files. This article is going to explain those different options and processes that can be used to allow Agents and TCs to collaborate on SkySlope files. Let's get started!
First, let's explain the two different account types: Agent and Transaction Coordinator.
Agent Account
- Can create Listings and Transactions in their own name
- Can access files created by other agents (only if the primary agent manually grants them access as a co-agent)
- Can upload documents to the Checklist
- Can access their own DigiSign account
- Can access their own Working Docs folder
Transaction Coordinator (TC) Account
- Can create Listings and Transactions in their own name
- Can create Listings and Transactions on behalf of other agents who allows TC Access
- Can access files created by other agents (only if the primary agent manually grants them access as a co-agent)
- Can upload documents to the Checklist
- Can access their own DigiSign account
- Can access their own Working Docs folder
Now, what's "TC Access"?
TC Access is a setting that can be controlled from within the agent's My Account section, as well as from the Manage Agents section of an admin/broker account.
TC Access can either be enabled or disabled. If TC Access is enabled, that simply means that any TCs in the office have the ability to create files on behalf of those agents in the same office who have TC Access enabled. If TC Access is disabled, the TC won't be able to create files for those agents.
Here's a visual representation:
When the Manage Agents section looks like this...
the TC's file-creation page will look like this...
You'll notice that for the two agents who have TC Access disabled (Patty Burns and Sarah Yu), the Transaction Coordinator is unable select their name when creating a file. If those two agents were to enable TC Access, the TC would then be able to create files for those two agents.
Here are from frequently asked questions about TC Access:
As an agent, does enabling TC Access give the TCs access to ALL of my files?!
Have no fear. As an agent, if you enable TC Access in your account, it only grants TCs access to 1) the files that they create on your behalf and 2) any files that you manually give them access to by adding them as a co-agent. Learn how to share files here.
As a TC, what abilities do I have within a file?
If you're a TC and you're working on a file that you created for an agent, or that an agent granted you access to, you will be able to do everything in a file that an agent can do. That includes changing file information (such as the listing/purchase price and the contacts), uploading or removing documents, as well as withdrawing and cancelling files.
I just enabled TC Access, and I want my TC to access all of the files I already have in my account, but they can't see them. What's wrong?
Because we want you, as the agent, to have total control of who accesses your files (other than your auditor/broker), we do not automatically give TCs access to all of your files. If you already have files created in your account, and you just enabled TC Access, you will need to manually grant access to your TC by adding them as the co-agent on the file. (Learn how to grant access here.)
From a compliance stand-point, if both an Agent and a TC are working on the file, how do we know who has done what?
As long as the Transaction Coordinator has their own TC account, and is not accessing the files by using the Agent's login email address and password, everything will be recorded on the Log tab of the file. All actions are recorded in the file depending on who has done them; this is also true for Auditors and Brokers taking action in the file.
Here's a snapshot of how actions are recorded on the Log:
How can I turn on TC Access?
If you're an Agent:
Log into your account > Click on your name in the upper right corner > Click on My Account > Switch the toggle to On for "Allow TC Access" > Click Save
If you're an Admin, and want to allow TC Access for yourself, follow the same steps above for the Agent.
If you're an Admin, and want to allow TC Access for another agent in your office:
Log into your account > Click on your name in the upper right corner > Click on Admin > Click on Manage Agents > Search for the agent by name > Click on their name to open their account details > Switch the toggle to On for "Allow TC Access" > Click Save
That should answer any questions about TC Access! If you have any additional questions that weren't answered in this article, don't hesitate to reach out to our Support team at! We are happy to answer any questions you have.
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