We're here to ensure you get the most out of SkySlope Offers. Brokers can gain all sorts of insights by seeing how offers are performing at a high level. Look below to learn how to get started with Broker Stats in SkySlope Offers.
Accessing Broker Stats
From your SkySlope Offers dashboard, click on the graph icon:
From there, the quick view of Broker Stats will expand from the right:
For an in-depth view of Broker Stats, click View All Activity.
Now you'll be taken to a more detailed view of your Broker Stats:
From the detailed view, you can filter by:
- Time Period: Adjust the timeframe to see how listings, offers and counter offers fluctuate over time.
- Group: Select which group(s) you'd like to view stats for. Groups can be customized under Brokerage Management.
If you have any questions about using Broker Stats in SkySlope Offers, please reach out to our 24/7 Support team!
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