You can use file sharing via Team Access in SkySlope Offers to share access with anyone on your team, whether it's your TC, your co-agent, or your broker. Follow the instructions below to set up file sharing in your SkySlope Offers account.
Accessing the My Team Page
From your SkySlope Offers account, click on your name in the upper-right corner. Then select My Team.
Adding People to Your Team
1. From the My Team page, click Add People.
2. Enter your team member's email address; be sure to enter the email address they use for their SkySlope Offers account.
3. After entering your team member's email address, use the checkbox to determine their access level:
- Limited Access (unchecked): This means the team member WILL NOT be able to manage offers and envelopes. They will only be able to assist with file creation.
- Full Access (checked): This means the team member WILL be able to manage offers and envelopes.
4. (Optional) To add more than one team member at a time, click Add Email to add additional team members.
5. Click Send to send them an invitation via email. The email will invite them to create or log into their account to access your shared files.
Viewing and Sharing
Utilize the in-app tool tip for a quick refresher on different access levels in SkySlope Offers. Teams in SkySlope Offers will either have Viewing Access, Sharing Limited Access, or Sharing Full Access.
Checking Access Levels
You can navigate to the My Team page at any time to review which team members have access to your files, and which team member's files you have access to.
Team Access on the Dashboard
When you have granted access to another team member's Offers files, you will be able to see their files (along with your files) on your Offers dashboard.
If you are the primary owner of the file, the file will appear without an agent name listed. You can easily locate another team member's file by looking for their name, shown below with a blue arrow.
If you have any other questions about using sharing files with your team in SkySlope Offers, please don't hesitate to reach out to our 24/7 Support team!
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