suggestions for an APP overhaul


  • Prod Squad
    Official comment
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    Hi Meg!
    Bailey from the Product Team here at SkySlope. Thank you for reaching out and providing us with this comprehensive feedback! 

    A couple of questions for you: What area of SkySlope would you like to see improved most immediately?

    In regards to the reporting system, what specifically would you like to see improved there? 

    Thank you for providing us with your contact information, some one from our team will be in touch with you. Thanks again and have a great day!

  • Meg Szanajda-HomeStarr Realty
    Comment actions Permalink

    oh and the email task daily is great but what order are they in --- no real sensible one is the answer

    Should be something like in closing date order it is listed by that date

    or alpha order

    or numeric order

    AND all grouped together if multi tasks for same address. 

    We use your tasks list each and every day and by closing date makes the MOST sense

    What closes first gets done first as we work thru the task list - makes total sense if you are a real estate agent or transaction coordinator -- been asking for this one since DAY ONE

    You can have one task list with an address on the first page and then again on page 3



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