• Lori Woodward
    Comment actions Permalink

    I could not agree more.  We pay for this service only to be forced to endure pop ups for 3rd party solicitation with no way to Opt out.  Its bad business and completely annoying when you are trying to work!!  There also needs to be a better way to get things done rather than be sent to this forum where there are hundreds of threads and chances of multiple users finding similar suggestions to consolidate opinions for Real Change is highly unlikely.  It feels like a waste of time.

  • Al Rosser
    Comment actions Permalink

    Yes, this is very annoying! I DONT WANT Utility Connect and I don't appreciate the constant ads for it.

  • Christopher M. Klages
    Comment actions Permalink

    Yes, this is very annoying! I DONT WANT Utility Connect and I don't appreciate the constant ads for it.

  • Angie Denson
    Comment actions Permalink

    I agree! Very annoying and I DO NOT WANT Utility Connect to ever be an option. Happy if it would either go away permanently or at least allow me the option to shut it off. 

  • Nicole Simon
    Comment actions Permalink

    I don't want Utility Connect and I don't appreciate the constant ads for it.

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