It is very common for agents to let their form-provider subscriptions expire. Zipforms reminds agents well in advance of an upcoming expiration. Skyslope forms does not. Their first indication of an expired form subscription is when they go in to try and write a time sensitive offer and it just doesn't work.
Further, and more importantly once a subscription is expired and then renewed... Skyslope forms does not self-heal the connection.
Agents have to go in and disconnect the forms subscription and reconnect it... .this is also something that we can't do for them as a TC which is a major pain point, as everytime this happens I have to call and collect their password in order to reconnect their forms for them so I can proceed with doing tasks for them.
This experience is specifically with Skyslope forms and OREF and Oregon Realtor forms, but may apply system-wide
This experience is specifically with Skyslope forms and OREF and Oregon Realtor forms, but may apply system-wide
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