Contacts that are Entities, Companies or Trusts


  • Prod Squad
    Official comment
    Comment actions Permalink

    Hi Camille!

    Kallie from the Product Team here at SkySlope. Thank you for reaching out and providing us with this feedback! I've documented your request and we'll also monitor this post for upvotes and comments. We will be sure to provide an update on this upon availability. 

    Thanks again and have a great day!

  • Dawn Reid
    Comment actions Permalink

    I agree, this is how we believed it would work as well...that the entity name would be on the Buyer/Seller line but the representative's name would be populated when pushed to DigiSign.

  • Cathy Risk
    Comment actions Permalink

    What is the work-around that puts the legally authorized signer in the signature block rather than the entity name?

  • Camille Zachmeier
    Comment actions Permalink

    So, the work around is that after I select the entity to sign, I edit their signature when all the documents come up for me to put signature blocks/initial blocks, etc.  So, this works when there is 1 signer for the entity, but when there are 2, I have to manually add all the signature blocks/initial blocks for the additional signer.


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