Another Rename Envelope Request


  • Prod Squad
    Official comment
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    Hi Bryan!

    Kallie from the Product Team here at SkySlope. Thank you for reaching out and providing us with this feedback! Once this feature update is available we will be sure to reach out to update everyone on this request.

    Question, are you a TRREB member? And if we have any further questions would you be interested in joining a phone call for a conversation with one of our Product Managers?

    Thanks again and have a great day!

  • Dawn Reid
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    There is the ability to rename envelopes in the transaction file in Forms so it would make sense that we would have the ability to do it from the full DigiSign as well.

  • Prod Squad
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    Hi Everyone!

    Tyler from the Product team here at SkySlope. We appreciate your valuable thoughts and feedback on naming/renaming the envelope. We are delighted to inform you that this feature is now live! Kindly share with us any further feedback you may have. Thank you for your continued support!

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