If you are a Transaction Coordinator, Co-Agent, or Team, and curious about how file sharing works in SkySlope Forms, take a look at the frequently asked questions below to learn more.
How does file sharing work in SkySlope Forms?
Brokerage admins can connect an individual to the agents they work with. Once connected, the individual (such as a Transaction Coordinator, Co-Agent, or Team) will be able to access the agent’s Forms files, and manage new Forms files from start to finish (everything from creating files and filling forms, to preparing and sending envelopes for signature).
How do I access SkySlope Forms?
You can access SkySlope Forms from within your SkySlope account. Log into your SkySlope account, and click on the Apps icon in the upper-right corner. Then select Forms! For more information on getting started in SkySlope Forms, click here.
As a TC, what am I able to access?
When your admin links you and your agents, and grants you access to their Forms files, you will be able to access all of your agents’ Forms files, including all forms and envelopes in those files.
As a TC, do I have the same functionality as an agent?
After being granted file sharing access, you will have most of the same functionality as an agent, with a few exceptions. TCs are not able to edit an agent’s Forms Template, edit an agent’s Forms Libraries, or edit an agent’s User Profile in SkySlope Forms.
I don’t have access to any agents. What should I do?
Contact your admin or broker, and tell them which agents you need file sharing access for in SkySlope Forms. If they need guidance, show them this resource.
I have access to some of my agents, but not all of my agents. What should I do?
Contact your admin or broker, and tell them which agents you need file sharing access for in SkySlope Forms. If they need guidance, show them this resource.
Can I create Forms files on behalf of my agents?
Yes. As a TC, you can create Forms files on behalf of all the agents your admin has granted you access to.
Can I add and fill forms on behalf of my agents?
You can add forms from your agent’s Forms Libraries, even if you don’t have access to the forms yourself! Once you’ve added forms into the file, you can fill the forms and prepare them for signatures.
Can I send and manage envelopes on behalf of my agents?
Yes. As a TC, you can manage any existing Forms envelopes prepared by the agent. Additionally, you can add new forms to a file, fill the added forms, and send those forms in an envelope to be signed.
Can I manage envelopes I’ve sent on behalf of agents?
Yes, you have full access to check envelope status, send reminders, review the envelope history, and cancel signing.
Can I sign Forms envelopes that require the agent’s signature?
No. While you as the TC can prepare and send envelopes that require the agent’s signature, the envelope will be sent on the agent’s behalf, and only the agent can fulfill the required signatures/initials. When you send the envelope on an agent’s behalf, you will not be prompted to sign the envelope; the invitation to sign will be sent to the primary agent.
Can I work as a TC for more than one agent?
Yes, you can! Your brokerage’s admin will need to connect you to any of the agents you work for.
Can I utilize Forms Templates?
Yes, you can utilize Templates in SkySlope Forms. However, if you don’t have forms access yourself, and you are using your agent’s forms access, you will only be able to use your agent’s Forms Templates. If you do have your own forms access, you can create your own Forms Templates, but you won't be able to use those Templates in your agent's files — only in the files you create for yourself.
Ready for more? Take a look at our other resources for using file sharing in SkySlope Forms:
Getting Started as a TC in SkySlope Forms
Become a Forms expert! Sign up for our "on your time" SkySlope Forms training.
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