When another Forms user has begun sharing files with you as a collaborator, you will be able to assist with envelope management as well! Keep reading to learn all about how you can use file sharing to manage Envelopes in SkySlope Forms.
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Sending Envelopes for an Agent
Once you've had file sharing enabled by your brokerage admin, you will be able to manage Forms files and envelopes for the agents you work with.
1. Navigate to the Forms file to prepare your envelope.
2. Start by selecting your forms. Then click Fill and Send.
3. On the next page, you will fill out the forms to prepare them for signature. For an in-depth look at filling out forms, click here.
4. Once you've completed filling all of the forms in your envelope, click Prepare Signature. You'll then be prompted to name your envelope and select a signer action for each file contact. Then click Next.
5. On the final page, you will prepare the envelope to be signed. Forms added from your agent's Forms library will have all signatures, initials, dates, and so on automatically added for you. Any forms uploaded as a PDF will need to be prepared by manually adding signature blocks before sending.
For more information about preparing Forms envelopes, click here.
6. When you've finished preparing your envelope, and it's ready to be signed, click Send! After clicking Send, you will be able to edit the email subject line and message before finally clicking Send for Signature.
7. After you've sent the envelope as a collaborator, all signers will receive their invitation to sign in the designated order. On the invitation to sign, they will be able to clearly see that the envelope was sent by you on their agent's behalf. If needed, the signer can reply to the email, and the reply will be sent to the Agent and you as the collaborator.
For a closer look at preparing and sending Envelopes in SkySlope Forms, check out this resource.
Managing Envelopes for an Agent
As a TC/Co-Agent/Team, you will be able to assist your Agent in managing all of their Forms envelopes, regardless of who created them or what stage they're in.
Accessing Envelopes
To access an envelope, start by opening the Forms file. Then navigate to the Envelopes tab.
No matter who created and prepared the envelope, you have full access to all envelopes, regardless of the status. You can open and finish preparing a Draft Envelope, send a reminder for an In Progress Envelope, or view and download a Completed envelope — among other things.
The only thing you aren't able to do on behalf of your Agent is to sign forms on their behalf. Any envelopes requiring their signature will be emailed directly to them so that they can complete their portion of the envelope. Outside of that, all envelope actions are available to you, so that you can help them better serve their clients!
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