In this article, we'll go over everything you need to know to get started with file sharing in SkySlope Forms, whether you are a Transaction Coordinator, Co-Agent, or working as part of a team.
Accessing SkySlope Forms
1. Log into SkySlope Forms or SkySlope
2. If accessing from SkySlope, click on the Apps icon in the upper-right > Select Forms.
3. Now you're in SkySlope Forms!
4. When accessing Forms for the first time, you will be prompted to select your regions. Then click Next.
5. Next, you'll be prompted to add libraries that are available in your region(s). If you have library access, you can select your libraries to add.
NOTE: To bypass this and utilize your agent's forms libraries, scroll down and click Do This Later.
Accessing Your Agent's Files
As a TC/Co-Agent/Team, your brokerage must first grant you access to your agent's files before you will see them in your Forms account.
If you don't see any files on your Forms Dashboard, this likely means that your connected agents haven't created any files yet. You can create files on their behalf, and you will gain access to any files they create in the future.
If you are missing certain files/agents on your Forms Dashboard, please contact your admin or broker, and tell them which agent you are missing in SkySlope Forms. If they need guidance, show them this resource.
Viewing Files in SkySlope Forms
Once your access is correctly configured, you will be able to access all files from the SkySlope Forms Dashboard.
Filter & Search
On the Forms Dashboard, use the Filter by File Owner option to quickly sort files by file owner. You can select as many filters as you like. After using a Filter, you can narrow your results further by using the Search Files bar to search. You can search by the following file details: file name, address, contacts within the file, and file owner.
View My Files & Archives
You can use the different file views to see All Files, Your Files, or Archived Files.
Actions Menu
Use the Actions Menu for any file to take actions available for that file. You can rename the file, create a duplicate of the file, or archive the file.
Ready for the next step? Check out our other TC Access resources:
Become a Forms expert! Sign up for our "on your time" SkySlope Forms training.
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