The SkySlope Report tool is a quick and easy way to allow admins and brokers to gather data and statistics about all of their office's files over any given period of time. Keep reading to learn how to run Reports in SkySlope.
In SkySlope, there are currently 4 different Report types available:
1. Listing Report
2. Pending Report
3. Closed in SkySlope
4. Master Data Report
The various reports will include different data:
Listing Report - All files with a "List Date" that are within the entered date range
Pending Report - All files with an "Acceptance Date" that are within the entered date range
Closed in SkySlope - All files with an "Actual Closing Date" that are within the entered date range
Master Data Report - All files with a "Created Date" that are within the entered date range
For example, if you enter...
...01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016, and then select Listing Report, you will see all files that were entered into SkySlope and have a List Date within the date range.
...01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016, and then select the Pending Report, you will see all files that were entered into SkySlope and have an Acceptance Date within the date range.
...01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016, and then select Closed in SkySlope, you will see all files that were entered into SkySlope and have a listed Actual Closing Date within the date range.
...01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016, and then select Master Data Report, you will see all files that were entered into SkySlope within the date range.
1. From the home page, click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen. Then select Admin to enter the Admin Hub.
2. Once you're in the Admin Hub, click on the tab labeled Reports.
3. Once you're in Report section, start by entering the date range at the top of the page. You can either enter the date with a 2-digit day, 2-digit month, and a 4-digit year, or you click on the Calendar icon to select the date visually.
Enter in the Start Date and the End Date.
4. After the dates have been entered, click on Download for whichever one of the Reports you want to generate. The report will download automatically as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that can be opened, viewed, and edited.
That's all it takes to run a report!
Here is some more information about the data included in various Reports:
Listing Report - Office Name, MLS #, List Date, List Price, Street Name, City/State/Zip, Checklist Type ("Type of Property"), Listing Agent
Pending Report - Office Name, MLS #, Date Entered, Acceptance Date, Closed Date, Street Name, City/State/Zip, Seller, Buyer, Sales Agent, Sales Price, Office Gross Commission
Closed in SkySlope - Office Name, Date Closed, Street Name, City/State/Zip, Seller, Buyer, Agent, Sales Price, Sales Agent, Office Gross Commission
Master Data Report - Office Name, Status, Type of Sale (Listing Sold, Sale Only, Both Listing & Sale, Referral/Other), Checklist Type ("Type of Property"), MLS#, MLS Status (if selected), APN (if entered), File ID (if entered), Escrow #, Address, Year Built, Date Entered, List Date, Expiration Date, Acceptance Date, Scheduled Close Date, Actual Close Date (if closed), List Price, Sale Price, Listing Commission, Sale Commission, Other Deductions, Office Gross Commission, Main Agent, Other Agent, Seller(s), Buyer(s), Lender, Title Company, Escrow, Attorney, Home Warranty, Misc Contacts, Referring Agent, Transaction, Deposit Amount, Installment Plan, Addtl. Commission Breakdown, Source, Transaction ID, Listing ID, Office Lead
If you have any other questions about Reports or sorting through the data in Excel, don't hesitate to contact our 24/7 Support Team! We are available by phone at 800.507.4117, send an email over to or start live chat with us at! Happy SkySloping!
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