Take a few moments to customize your account settings in SkySlope Offers to fine-tune your workflow and make sure you never miss an opportunity to snag an offer!
Access Your Account Settings
To access your account settings, click on your name in the upper-right corner. Then select Account Settings.
Personal Details
In the Personal Details section, you can record your name, email address and other important details. If you scroll down just a tad, you can select the regions you serve as well.
Professional Details
Utilize the Professional Details section to record information about your brokerage.
Manage your notification preferences by email and SMS (text message). By default, you will always receive email updates about signing statuses for sent envelopes; you can choose to enable these notifications via text as well. Additionally, you can enable text and email notifications for when new offers are received!
Have more questions? Reach out to our 24/7 Support team at support.skyslope.com.
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